CvsShell 0.5.1 released! CvsShell is a console-based cvs frontend. It provides convenient access to the cvs commands through a shell-like user interface. CvsShell is written in python and runs on every platform for which cvs and python are available. Features: * Convenient access to the following csv commands: add, checkout, commit, remove, diff, log, login, logout, status, update. * CvsShell prompts you for all arguments needed for executing a command. * Listing of all files and their status. * Operations on files in the listing can be executed quickly, because those files can be accessed using a numerical ID instead of a (typically long) pathname. * Aliases for different cvsroots. * Shortcuts for cvs commands: - Commit is automatically executed after an add or delete command (if you want to). - The login command is executed automatically when needed. - Renaming files with cvs is lenghty: you have the rename the file in the local filesystem, remove the old file, add the new file and commit your changes. With CvsShell, this is done with a single command. - The steps to replace a file with an older revision are executed using a single command. * auto-completion for commands This release contains a lot of new features, enhancements and bugfixes! + New Features: - new commands: login, logout. cvsshell tries to log in automatically when needed (bug #718035) - new command: log. Displays the log messages of a file - new command: diff. Displays a diff between different revisions of a file. + Enhancements: - improved filtering of files listed in ~/.cvsignore, $CVSIGNORE, ./.cvsignore a lot. - cvsshell now inserts logmessages for initial commits, remove operations and rename operations automatically. Have a look at the 'initial-commit-message' and 'delete-message' configuration options. + Bugfixes: - ID #721222 (update does not except the filename(s) to update as arg) - ID #717409 (update command should be invoked with the -d option) - ID #717407 (refresh command ignores directories) - ID #721315 (refresh command traverses directories listed in .cvsignore) - ID #711610 (Crash) - ID #694298 (CVS directory is not recognized on case-insensitve fs)